Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hunger Games Anyone?.............

What've you all been reading? In your book clubs? On your own? We are reading the Hunger Games for ours and I am over half way through number 3. Our upcoming books are To Kill A Mockingbird, Rebekah-by Orson Scott Card, and another one I can't remember the name of. Maybe I remember the first two because I've read them both already, the first a number of times. Both I like.

People in my book club are saying Hunger Games is harder for them to get through than the Glass Castle was. I disagree. The Glass Castle was real. The Hunger Games aren't. It wasn't hard for me to keep it in story form. It's when I got to the second book that it was harder to not "think" more about it. Government control in EVERY aspect of your's bothered me quite a bit more than the first. The third I'm just trying to get through. It's back to a story for me but with too much manipulating of people. It's just too unreal to bother me like Catching Fire did. Why so? I'm still not sure. I can't help comparing the main character Katniss to Bella Swan from Twilight. Both teenage girls caught in some weird love triangle that everyone else can see but themselves. Both a low self image that drives me crazy, esp. Bella's. I'm getting tired of Katniss moping around all the time and going back and forth between love sick teenage girl-which she won't admit to herself-and oh woe is me.

I hope I haven't said anything that would ruin any of the books. I'm assuming you have all read them because our book club always seems to be a little "behind the times" as far as the current popular book to read. We don't read a lot of new books. It's generally classics and oldies but goodies but once in a while we throw in something "new". Like when we read Fablehaven when book 4 was coming out. Same thing here with Hunger Games...